
Ultimately, it's all about connecting with you ...

We have done our best to provide all information relevant to you on our website. If you have any questions or would like to clarify something, please contact Femke.

Send me an email via

I will answer your email as quick as possible. Sometimes, for example at the weekend, this does not always work. In any case, I will come back to you the same day! If you leave a telephone number in your message, I can also call you back!

Call me at  +31 653783939

When you call us, you will almost always get me on the line. If it does not work, I always call back quickly.

Visit Onder den Peerenbooom on social media:

Click here for Facebook

Click here for Linkedin

Click here for Instagram

Address and other information

Benedeneind Zuidzijde 251

3405 CJ Benschop

CoC: 302691820000

ING Bank: NL40INGB0005408214

Contact form

    We post regularly on our blog with information about the environment, restaurants etc. Read more about it here.