4 reasons to prefer a plastic hot tub!
e hout gestookte hottub voor buiten wordt steeds populairder. Bij aanschaf moeten kopers een keuze maken tussen een kunststof of een houten hottub. Bij Onder den Peerenboom kunnen gasten gebruik maken van een hout gestookte hottub. Ik leg in deze blog uit waarom wij kozen voor een kunststof uitvoering: het schoonmaken, het verplaatsen, het stookgedeelte en het design.
Reason 1: cleaning the hot tub
Wondering if you’d get into a warm hot tub when you knew there were other people in the same water the night before? Even if you said yes, wouldn’t it be nicer to have completely new water in it after a thorough cleaning of the tub?
A wooden hot tub must always be filled with water to prevent leakage. This means that people go into the same water over and over again. Of course there are means to prevent bacterial formation and to filter hair and other dirt from the water. For this purpose agents are used such as chlorine tablets that we prefer not to use at Onder den Peerenboom. Certainly also because at a certain moment these will end up with the bath water somewhere, and often this is just in the garden, on the terrace or in a ditch.
Reason 2: moving the hot tub
The plastic bath that we have chosen, a Dutchtub, is lightweight and easy to move. We can therefore place the bath for our guests on the terrace of their apartment, but also in the middle of the meadow. Even though you usually leave the bath in the same place, it is still nice to be able to turn the bath in the direction of the wind so that the smoke does not reach your face. You can also solve this with a chimney. Then you only lose the charm of the fire and smoke and ash can still settle on your bath water.
Reason 3: the heating part of the hot tub
With a wood-fired hot tub, the heating area is in the bath itself. The advantage of this is that the water is usually warm a little faster. The heating section of the Dutchtub is on the outside. This leaves considerably more space around the bath. Another nice thing is that the heating area in the Dutchtub is also suitable for cooking with a wok – for the real enthusiasts!
Reason 4: Dutchtub is a very Dutch design
The Dutchtub was conceived by a young Dutch designer and is made by the firma Weltevree who have many more beautiful designs besides the Ducthtub. The baths are made by hand and numbered. We had our Dutchtub with number 0773 made in our house color “winter pear”.
Our cleaning protocol for the Dutchtub
Before you arrive at Onder den Peerenboom in the Dutchtub, we have done the following for you to ensure that you step into a clean bath:
We always drain the bath completely after use. We do this with confidence because we do not use chemicals, essential oils and the like. It’s just water
Next we spray the heating coil and the water hose with running water. Often sand, hair and other debris collects in these pipes. We then let this also run away.
Now that the bath and pipes are empty, we make it the Dutchtub clean with microfibre cloths and ecological green soap. The cloths are rinsed in a bucket and the waste water goes into the sewer.
The last step is to rub the Dutchtub with clean cloths and only hot water so that the soap residue is also gone. Now the lid is put on, which only comes off when there is new, clean water in it.
A wonderful evening in a wood-fired hot tub
Our guests sit on average 2.5 hours in the clean Dutchtub. You sit outside, offline, with a fire, together looking at the starry sky and listening to the birds. A nice bottle of wine and a well-stocked snack board make it extra pleasant. Just like with a sauna, it is important to cool down for a moment now and then and to keep drinking plenty of water!